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The Media

Our country is at a critical juncture in its history. We have elected a president whose platform as a candidate was to disrupt politics as usual. Agree with him or not, he certainly is doing it! It seems, though, that criticism and support of him has devolved into name calling, anger, and general lack of decorum. That is not helping.

I think we all need to take a look at what we want for our lives, and therefore for our society in general. We need to think of each other as human beings first, and treat everyone kindly and with respect. It does no good to stick one's head in the sand and say, "Well, if the {insert political party} says it, it must be true." If you truly have a conscience, you will know this is not effective.

So let's start out by talking about the media. I have media experience, and I will confirm that it's impossible to keep bias out of news reporting. Even back in the day when the newspaper was king, the editorial bias was apparent just by the placement of articles on the page. That's not a new development in the age of 24/7 news media. We are being constantly flooded with snippets and sound bites that get us upset (hackers?). I will give you a personal example, I go to a gym that has elliptical trainers and cycles in front of banks of TV sets. Fox News and CNN are on the sets right next to each other! Many times I have been working out and seen the two networks side by side saying the exact opposite from each other. No wonder we are confused!  What's right and what's wrong? My guess is somewhere in the middle, hence the name of this blog.  What we DON'T need is a president refusing to take questions from one of them on the premise that they are "fake news". That does nothing to further the political discourse in our society. So he doesn't agree with it? Move on.


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